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  • Robin: Tim Drake and some classmates discuss an assignment on Shakespeare's use of alliteration, and when several of them says they don't understand what alliteration is Tim eventually responds with, "Stupid students stagnantly steeped in stupor", which gets it to click for one of them, who responds with the tongue twister "Sally sells seashells.".
  • Misfit City: The town the comic is set in is known as Cannon Cove.
  • Witnessing this, the civilian comments "Holy heck! He hardly hesitated!" Lobocop blasts a hole through the civilian's gut for "unnecessary alliteration."
  • In Lobocop, where Lobo is transformed into an expy of RoboCop, the titular character guns down a trio of thugs chasing a civilian.
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: As fighting the Trinexx, Link exclaims: "This is one schizoid serpent!".
  • Garfield: His 9 Lives: "Bought the farm for failing to field a fetched frap tree.".
  • Anything and anyone that doesn't communicate in this manner is considered imperfect/cacophonic, a source of bad audio, and must be imprisoned. Because of this, they prize aural perfection and speak entirely in alliteration to reflect this.
  • Disney Kingdoms: Figment has the Sound Sprites, who create objects from sound.
  • Marvel Westerns: An Unreliable Narrator newspaper clipping about the Masked Raider gives him a number of alliterative appelations, these being, in order: Masquerading Menace, Veiled Villain, Disguised Dastard, Hooded Hooligan, Screened Scalawag, Muffled Miscreant, and Cloaked Cutthroat.
  • He once praised himself for coming up with the phrasing 'blizzard of banal bureaucracy' for an editorial. Jonah Jameson, naturally, has a predilection for this in his editorials.

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  • Stan Lee worships alliteration, to the point where the Fantastic Four's arch-nemesis Doctor Doom was almost scrapped because Lee couldn't think of a suitable alliterative for Doom he'd pondered Donald Doom in desperation before hitting upon Doctor Doom.
  • Ninjette occasionally does it when talking to him.
  • Caged Demonwolf in Empowered loves speaking with alliterations, and even occasionally comments on how many he managed to queue.
  • During the Sixties, Doctor Strange would spout alliteratives, usually in place of expletives, or as his personal version of "verily, I say unto thee." One of Doc Strange's favorites is "by the hoary hosts of Horgoth!", though he has many others as the Master of Mysticism.
  • (That is, both words do start with /t/, but the second consonant sound right after it isn't the same in most accents.)

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    One must regard regional pronunciations with proper precaution " Trial by Champion" allows alliteration in occasional accents (" Chrial"), but decidedly not in others, and not in RP/Standard. However, a phrase, name, nickname, or title that is alliterative only in spelling can still be considered an alliteration. not as much ("c" and "ch" have decidedly different dictations). As an easy example, " Fatal Family Photo" is obviously indicative of Added Alliterative Appeal ("ph" = "f"), whereas " Combat by Champion" is.

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    Alliteration applies to a particular piece's pronunciation more than its specific spelling.It's a specific Sub-Trope of two phonetic father phenomena - "consonance" (consonants) and "assonance" (vowels), wherein similar sounds can occur anywhere in the individual words.ĭifferent degrees of alliteration are definitely doable, provided one pays particular ponderance to these specified circumstances: Or if phrased more obviously, the particularly pithy practice of combining common consonants at the beginning of words.

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    An article adds alliterative appeal if it includes identical initial icons in the trope title that the troper thought to try, where words will without exception employ equivalent establishing emblems.

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